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KOSHA, Development of OSH materials for migrant workers 2012.04.06
Author : KOSHA 첨부파일The attached file(1)

KOSHA, Development of OSH materials for migrant workers

3rd April,

KOSHA is preventing occupational injuries and illnesses of migrant workers with various methods. As part of these efforts, KOSHA is making and distributing OSH materials such as poster and books in their languages to help migrant workers in industrial fields of Korea avoid occupational injuries and illnesses. KOSHA has been assisting migrant workers since 2000 to expand prevention activities through safety and health education.

Migrant workers have time to adapt to new working environments during the primary education in which they learn how to understand safety and health signs, wear personal protective equipment, handle with chemical materials safely and prevent musculoskeletal diseases such as back-pain.

In addition, KOSHA published accident prevention guidelines in 13 languages for workers in the manufacturing, construction and service industry, using the materials to educate migrant workers.

Development Plan of OSH materials for migrant workers, 2012 year

The ten languages include : Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, English(Philippine), Bangladeshi,  Thai, Russian (Uzbek), Mongolian, Pakistani and Sri Lankan

      The thirteen languages include: Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, English(Philippine), Bangladeshi, Thai, Uzbek, Mongolian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Nepalese, Cambodian and Burma

Also, KOSHA runs the website for migrants where they could download materials if they need. In addition, electronic files continue to be updated on the KOSHA website for them. For details, please contact us (overseas@kosha.net)
