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게시판 상세페이지
NIOSH Review Supports Ergonomic Concerns 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : NIOSH Review Supports Ergonomic Concerns
  일  자 : 1997년 10월
  제공처 : Safety + health(OSHA Update)

          NIOSH Review Supports Ergonomic Concerns

   The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recently
   gave OSHA ammunition in its effort to push ergonomics regulation.

 NIOSH reviewed more than 600 epidemiologic studies, saying they
   show "strong evidence" of a link between musculoskeletal disorders
   and work-related physical factors.
   OSHA called the NIOSH review "objective," and said it includes
   widespread peer review.

 OSHA says the NIOSH review makes unnecessary any similar analysis
   by the National Academy of Sciences. The Republican majority in
  Congress and many employer groups urge completion of an NAS study
  before any ergonomics regulations are adopted. But OSHA warns that
  such a review would take a long time, allowing injury of many more

       But the NIOSH report, among other faults, does not indicate causes
  and preventions for back, hand,wrist, elbow, shoulder and neck injuries,
  says Thomas J.Donohue,former president of the American Trucking Associations
  and current president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Without an NAS re-
  view of "all" research on the issue,an OSHA regulation likely will be
  "incredibly costly," without assuring "the prevention of a single in-
  iury," he says.

       On the other hand, Margaret Seminario, AFL-CIO's safety and
  health director, calls the NIOSH report 'terrific,' and says it shows
  clearly that "there is a very significant problem."
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