안전보건공단 로고

사고사망속보 검색
사고사망속보 검색


  • 자료마당
  • 통합자료실
  • 국외정보
  • 국제동향


게시판 상세페이지
Conference Calls for Binding Measures on Emissions 2005.02.03
작성자 : 관리자
  제  목 : Conference Calls for Binding Measures on Emissions
  일  자 : 1996년 11월
  제공처 : Safety & Health

      Representatives of 150 governments gathered at a conference held in
      Geneva earlier this year to consider ways to combat global warming.
      According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, they made a significant
      step toward establishing binding legal requirements for greenhouse-gas
      emission reductions. An agreement to cut greenhouse-gas emissions
      was first made at the Earth Summit in l992, but this was voluntary
      and few countries have made any progress  toward the small reductions
      called for. A key to the change in Geneva was the U.S. governrment's
      reversal ofits policy of supporting voluntary efforts.

 However, many oil- and coal producing countries, worried about
      the economic effects of a drop in demand for fossil fuels on their
      economies, did not support legally binding requrrements.

 The conference also suppored the United Nations' Intergovern-
      mental Panel on Climate Change's scientific report, which found that
      human activities influenced changes in the global climate.

 The report says that increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases
      caused by agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels "would lead to
      a dangerous interference with the climate system" and could cause
      severe droughts; hurricanes; the spread of disease, such as malaria,
      into areas previously unaffected; extinction of animal and plant
      species; and could flood island states and coastal areas.

 The aim of the next conference, to be held in Japan in l997,
      will be to draw up a commitment for greenhouse emission reductions
      to be made by industrialized countries.

