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게시판 상세페이지
발암성 흡입독성 시험물질선정 신뢰도 향상방안에 관한 연구 2022.04.04

저자: 조중래, 임경택, 이종호



Inhalation toxicity testing of chemical substances to identify carcinogenicity requires a long time and considerable cost, so the selection of test candidates is a very important aspect. This study was performed to determine optimal procedures for selecting carcinogenic inhalation toxicity test substances as conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute (OSHRI). Methods: At the beginning, a database was constructed containing complex information such as usage amount, hazard, carcinogenicity prediction, and testability in order to select chemicals requiring carcinogenicity testing. Selection of test substances was carried out with priority given to usage, carcinogenicity, and testability. Results: Chemicals used in large quantities in industrial fields and strongly suspected of carcinogenicity were winnowed down to 12 substances, and these substances were scheduled for future testing by OSHRI. Conclusions: For the stable and reliable operation of carcinogenicity tests as conducted by OSHRI, this study standardized the procedures for selecting carcinogenicity test substances and suggested the introduction of various carcinogenicity prediction techniques.


  • Carcinogenicity; test substance; database; carcinogenicity prediction;