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게시판 리스트 페이지
No Report Title Researchers Year performed Summary
341 Research on the actual safety health conditions of specific service occupations Sang-Won Choi외 1명 2011
340 Practical Ways of Preventing Injuries in Small Business Woon-Chul Shin외 2명 2011
339 Survey on Fall Accident in Roof Work and Study on Safety Model Don-Heung Choi외 1명 2011
338 Development of axis movement device for rollers for preventing for jamming accident Jin-Woo Choi외 2명 2011
337 The gait characteristics on the obstacles and stair for aged worker Jaesuk Park 2011
336 The development of green anti-slip outsole and it's field study Jungsoo Kim 2011
335 A Study on the Characteristics of Industrial Accidents and Actual Conditions for Industrial Robots Junsuk Lee외 1명 2011
334 A study on the Neuro and Reproductive Toxicity of Methylcyclohexane Hyeon-Yeong Kim 2010 339451_2010_Hyeon-Yeong Kim.pdf
333 Health condition epidemiological studies of semiconductor manufacturing workers(III) Hye-Eun Lee 2010 339449_2010_Hye-Eun Lee.pdf
332 Development of comprehensive condensed cards(CCCs) and chemical information cards(CICs) for hazardous chemicals Kangyoon Kim 2010 339362_2010_Development of comprehensive condensed cards(CCCs) and chemical information cards(CICs) for hazardous chemicals_abstract.pdf