Produce occupational accident and disease data and information by size, type and cause
Assist establishment of accident prevention strategy and evaluating safety program performance
Assist the government’s policy formulation and management by providing scientific evidence accident prevention
Suggest current and future research direction with proactive searching for issues on OSH
Monitor and analysis changes in society, economic structure and working environment
Provide publications about occupational safety and health issues in home and abroad to provide scholar- /policy-realted information
Conduct pragmatic research on the causes and countermeasure concerning occupational accidents including getting entangled or stuck, slipping, and falling as well as electrical accident, and provides technical support for an investigation into the causes of fatal industrial accidents
Technical support to catastrophic accident investigation with accident scene-focused scientific simulation
Intensive research on fatal/stucking accidents at construction site
Prevent new and conventional disease, and other occupational disease
Run monitoring system for occupational diseases in addition to epidemiological survey into occupational diseases and quality control over special health examination agencies
Operate the Bioethics Council to advise on bioethical issues in the process of safety and health research
Work on the assessment and overhaul of the work environment to protect workers from physical, chemical, and biological hazards in the workplace
Undertake quality control over work environment monitoring organizations, asbestos investigation organizations and operate the work environment analysis laboratory
Establish, revise and manage International Organizations for Standardization(ISO) and Korean Standards(KS) in workplace air condition field
Evaluate chemical hazards and risks and manage chemical data(GHS and MSDS) for national management of chemicals
Build a research platform for the prevention of chemical accidents and conduct physicochemical characteristics test in accordance with the KOLAS standard
Perform toxicological research and operate the GLP(Good Laboratory Practice) toxicity testing organization to prevent health disorders caused by chemicals.